• Relocation Service

    We have something for you!
    Time, regional expertise and
    Networks for your move!

  • Real Estate Service

    You need help when selling
    or renting your property?

  • Contact

    What can we do for you?

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Relocation Service

For many years, Kuester Relocation has been advising and supporting well-known national and international clients regarding their move to Berlin, Hamburg, Cottbus, Dresden and Leipzig.

In addition to professional service, extensive experience and a strong network, personal advice and the implementation of individual desired profiles are among our strengths. From looking for an apartment to an all-round carefree package, whether long-term or temporary: we will help you find a new home.

4x pure service

  • Location service
  • Contract and moving service
  • All-round service
  • Welcome service

Real Estate Service

For years, Kuester Relocation has also been taking care of the sale and rental of real estate.

The focus is on discretion and professional service. With a lot of experience and intuition, Kuester Relocation finds the right interested parties for the entrusted property and thus ensures a smooth process.

4x pure service

  • Determination of the market value of your property
  • Exposé creation
  • Organization of interested parties/appointment handling
  • Document preparation


Coca Cola Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH

„We would particularly like to stress her large measure of customer orientation. Based on this aspect, her commitment – and, last but not least, the price structure of her services – we can confidently recommend the services of the Küster Relocation Agency.“

Bentley Motor Cars

„We were highly satisfied with the complete service of the agency, particularly the personal and individual services rendered. We will certainly make use of the Küster Relocation sevices in future for our staff and can gladly recommend it to others.“

ADtranz (DaimlerChrysler)

„Marvelous support in helping us to settle here in Berlin . . . a reliable and helpful person we could always contact . . . only too pleased to recommend you to others.“

SGE Olympia Bau Union

„We can confirm, for the whole period in question, your competent, reliable and, above all, successful processing of the commission to integrate our foreign employees in Germany. Particularly the focussed personal consultancy – which was also emphasized by the employees themselves – was always of great help to us.“

e-plus Service GmbH

„Through the rapid and successful processing of the tasks entrusted to you, you contributed in essence to the fact that our new employees could quickly devote their time to familiarizing themselves with their work and settling comfortably in their new homes.“

ABB Henschel AG, Werk Berlin

„We have come to appreciate the overall concept of the Relocation Agency Küster which made it possible that our new employees were very quickly in service at their full working capacity.“

The Wall Street Journal

„She did an excellent job with very short notice finding me an apartment. . . I was particularly impressed with her ability to cajole government bureaucrats into providing speedy service . . . She also happens to be a delightfully entertaining person.“

Southern Energy/BEWAG

„In all cases this company has done an excellent job in every aspect of the business of relocating to a new city.“

BMW Vertriebsregion Deutschland-Nordost

„Due to the dedicated and reliable support during my relocation preparations and activities I always had time to fulfill the tasks of my own profession.“

Verlag Der Tagesspiegel

„Virtually everything was done in order to alleviate the relocation and the first few weeks at my new place and all the concomitant extra burdens.“

Abn Amro Bank, Amsterdam, Budapest

Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin

Babelsberger Filmstudios, Potsdam

Bartenbach Lichtlabor, Salzburg

Bankgesellschaft, Berlin

BB Data GmbH, Berlin

BBDO Network, Düsseldorf

BBDO Network, New York

Berliner Wasser Werke

Bewag, Berlin

Biotronik Pharma, Berlin

Botschaft von Argentinien

Botschaft von Australien

Botschaft von Großbritannien

Botschaft von Mexiko

Botschaft von Neuseeland

Botschaft von Norwegen

Botschaft von Paraguay

Botschaft von Schweden

Botschaft von Zypern

British Airways


Charité, Berlin


Deutsche Bahn Cargo

Deutsche Handelsbank AG, Berlin

Deutsche Lufthansa

Elf Mineral, Paris

Fachhochschule, Potsdam

Filmfestspiele, Berlin

Ford Werke, Berlin

Hornbach Baumärkte, Berlin

Kabel Deutschland, Bonn

Landesvertretung Niedersachsen

Nike, Berlin

Nike, New York

Noxxon Pharma, Berlin

Parexel, Pharma, Boston, Pretoria

Procter & Gamble, Schwalbach/Taunus

Präsidium der Weimarer Klassik, Weimar

Radio Energy, Washington

Scorpio Fernsehproduktion, Potsdam

Siemens, München

Soletanche Spezialtiefbau, Paris

Stadler GmbH, Zürich

Spie Batignole Spezialtiefbau, Paris

Tektronix, Oregon

TotalFinalElf, Paris

Ufa Fernsehproduktion, Potsdam

Vivendi Water, Paris

VW Gedas, Berlin

Wirtschaftsvereinigung Alkoholfreie Getränke e.V., Bonn

Feel free to contact us

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